I’m Carrie — homeschool coach, curriculum author, and busy mom to three wild boys. I help moms homeschool with purpose, confidence, & joy!


His Eye is on the Sparrow

July 10, 2015

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His Eye is on the Sparrow - An Everyday MomHis Eye is on the Sparrow - An Everyday Mom

My dryer died this week. On laundry day. During the first load. When I was already behind on laundry. Isn’t that how it goes? So my hubby tore it apart that evening and found that our free dryer needed a $12 part–guess it’s worth fixing, huh? He ordered the part that night and we just had to wait a couple days for it to show up. Now, I didn’t mind having to wear my old, ratty, paint-stained favorite pair of sweatpants that I probably should have thrown away years ago {but they are just at that perfect stage of comfy . . .}, but Gator definitely minded his favorite blankie being in the hamper. He is a man of few words, but he got his point across when he glared at me and ripped it out of the hamper several times.

Thankfully the part showed up yesterday and my hubby got to work on it as soon as he got home. Gator and I stood over his shoulder {because this is always helpful} during the process so I could make sure the favorite blankie got washed and dried before bedtime. While we were standing in the basement, we heard something trying to scratch and claw its way out of our furnace chimney. Poor little thing.

It had fallen in and there was no way it was going to make it back to the top.

We discussed what it might be, most likely a squirrel, chipmunk, or a bird {and since I’m afraid of bats I really hoped it wasn’t a bat}. Once we heard it flapping we were pretty sure it was a bird {hopefully not a bat}.

Now, my spiritual gifts tend to fall along the lines of mercy, exhortation {lol aka why I blog}, and wisdom . . . and usually my merciful nature extends into the animal world as well. Soooo, if there is a creature stuck in my chimney {or the kitten starving to death and stuck in the basement of our old apartment . . .}, I’ll do my best to rescue it {and yes, I rescued the kitten too, much to my hubby’s delight 😉 }.

So I devised a plan to wrap a pillowcase around the vent, lock open the vent, and hope it would find its way out into the pillowcase and we could take it outside that way. We set it all up and waited for the little creature.

It was still further up the pipe trying the scape and crawl its way out–it was never going to get out that way . . . its rescue was waiting, but it had to stop striving to find it.

And the Lord spoke to my heart, the bird was kind of like me.

How often have I gone through a trial or circumstance and been so stressed, trying to scrape and claw my way out of it when the One who is outside my circumstance has already prepared the way?

We set up a light at the vent hoping to draw the bird down. But it continued striving for awhile. Eventually his strength must have failed and we heard it begin to slowly slide back down. Then we heard the hopeful sound of his nails on the metal pipes as he made his way towards the vent. He was cautious, slow, probably weary and we held our breaths knowing if he would just take another step his rescue was right there.

How often have I crawled exhausted back towards my Rescuer as He waits patiently knowing better things are ahead?

Finally we could tell he had moved beyond the trap door and we shut it behind him–but he was still clinging to the end of the pipe for dear life. We needed him to let go.

Ah, how often have I been too scared to trust the One beyond my circumstances and in control of the outcomes?

Ever so gently we prodded him to let go, to move further in–his rescue was so close! And finally he relented and moved far enough into the pillowcase that we could take him back outside.

We knew he was frightened, exhausted, hungry . . . but we also knew it was over, freedom was just seconds away.

Just as our Father knows as we journey towards the end of a difficult circumstance or trial that it is nearly over.

I laughed to my hubby as we walked out that this probably wasn’t even one of the pretty birds–and sure enough, it was one of the common. One of the ones constantly trying to make nests where they shouldn’t and aggravating us along the way {and maybe the Lord was showing me a glimpse of myself . . . }. And yet, we cared so much about it and we delighted in giving it freedom again. I was reminded of these passages:

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. – Luke 12:6-7

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. -2 Peter 3:9

We gently set the bundle on the picnic table and opened the pillowcase so he could emerge. And there he sat and rested while we stood watch over him. In safety, he rested. And we guarded and provided nourishment knowing what he had been through.

Just as our Heavenly Father has done, and will do in the future for us.

Finally he found his strength and flew into the nearby tree as the boys cheered. And I smiled and walked away with the lesson from my Father.

His Eye is on the Sparrow - An Everyday MomHis Eye is on the Sparrow - An Everyday Mom

What about you? Are you going through a difficult circumstance or trial? Have the walls closed in around you? Are you stressing and striving, fearful and anxious that there is no way out? I’ve been there and I bear those scars too.

But I’ve also found in those situations that He is still there, though we cannot always see Him. That He is refining, teaching, and using these situations for His purposes. I’ve found Him to be faithful in providing our rescue–though sometimes we must walk deeper into the trial . . . but all the while He is drawing us closer to Him. And most of all, I’ve found Him to be patient, kind, and understanding. A protector when He knows I’m spent.

So may I encourage you to lean on Him through this situation? To trust and to know that He is in control and He is present. To rest in the knowledge that He deeply and intimately cares for you and about you.

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. – Luke 12:6-7

Be encouraged,


{Post linked at A Mama’s Story}

  1. Rebekah says:

    What a great post! How true! We so often resist God’s hand thinking we know best, but he has the best plan and knows the best way to lead and guide us and give us true freedom!I am definitely pinning this as I know I will need to meditate on these insightful words again. Linking up with you at mama moments mondays:)

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